Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Share a tip on great places in the UK to see bluebells – you could win a holiday voucher

The woods are about to turn blue in one of the UK’s great natural spectacles. Tell us your favourite places to see bluebells and perhaps you could win a £200 Sawday’s voucher Woodlands and glades across the UK are currently spangled with white anemones, the yellows of primroses and celandines and deep pink of campion, but from this week these will pale into insignificance as swathes of bluebells begin to flower, remaining in bloom until mid-May. Tell us the best places in the UK – the country with the highest density of these flowers – to see amazing carpets of bluebells, whether it’s on a National Trust or English Heritage property or in your local woods. Ancient woodlands provide the best conditions for these extraordinary plants. Continue reading...