Monday, May 24, 2021

Berliners feel ‘the warm glow of our freedoms returning’

When Berlin’s cafe terraces reopened at the weekend, our writer joined the ‘amazing’ scenes in Kreuzberg, where people gathered to celebrate the relaxation of lockdown – even in the rain It’s Friday night in Berlin and I’m roaming along Kreuzberg’s Oranienstrasse with a friend. We can hardly believe the palpable buzz and sight of dining tables stacked with wine coolers, large white plates laden with schnitzel and asparagus, and people mingling on pavements that have, since November 2020, been almost supernaturally quiet. It all happened quite suddenly. One minute I was at home, feeling uncertain about exploring the city over the Great Reopening Weekend, and the next – after an excited phone call from a friend – I was on a U-Bahn to Kottbusser Tor, umbrella in hand to fend off the ominous weather, ready to enjoy the experience. Continue reading...