Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Tell us about your lockdown discoveries for the chance to win a £200 holiday prize

Share the neighbourhood treasures you’ve noticed since restricted by Covid rules. The best tip wins £200 towards a Canopy & Stars stay Lockdown restrictions have made us see the world in a different way – the fact that we can only go out once a day and explore a limited radius means we are rediscovering our local areas and noticing things that we’d previously overlooked in our pre-lockdown busyness. That can be anything from a historical building, deserted factory or faded adverts painted on the sides of buildings, to animal footprints in the snow or mud, birds in leafless trees or gables and gargoyles hidden in plain sight. This week we’d like you to tell us about favourite discoveries on your daily lockdown walks. If you have a relevant photo, do send it in – but it’s your words that will be judged for the competition. Continue reading...