Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Welcoming Britain back: tourism businesses set out post-lockdown plans

As the nation waits for details of the UK’s exit strategy, destinations are working on safe ways to manage visitors this summer In the topsy-turvy world of lockdown, the message from the UK’s holiday hotspots this bank holiday weekend is the same as it was at Easter four weeks ago: stay away. However, behind the scenes tourism officials and hospitality bosses are busy working out how destinations will start to welcome back visitors this summer. Without knowing exactly what changes will be announced when Boris Johnson produces his roadmap on Sunday, tourist boards across the UK are setting out plans for a phased reopening of attractions and businesses as they endeavour to salvage some of the 2020 season. “We can’t afford to wait until lockdown’s over and find we’ve not got the plans in place,” said Gill Haigh, chief executive of Cumbria Tourism. “The question is how we reset.” Continue reading...