Friday, May 15, 2020

Hotels in Spain reopen with new Covid-19 measures – but no guests

As Spain eases out of quarantine, hotels are opening to a ‘new normal’ of strict health and safety protocols, even though travel between provinces is prohibited and borders remain closed Half of Spain has advanced to phase one of a four-phase plan to ease lockdown restrictions by July. Hoteliers can open their properties – though none of the common areas – and bars and restaurants can open a limited amount of outdoor seating. Although Madrid, Málaga, Granada, Barcelona and parts of Valencia are among the provinces and municipalities not yet cleared to advance. Tourism is Spain’s third largest contributor to the economy, making up 11% of its GDP, and there is pressure to get hotels to reopen, despite the fact that until July no one will be allowed to travel between provinces. And until borders reopen, airlines start flying and the 14-day quarantine is lifted, there will be no foreign tourists. Continue reading...