Friday, May 22, 2020

Dive in … try our lakes and rivers travel quiz!

Are you in the flow when it comes to bodies of water, or do you feel your knowledge isn’t current and needs refreshing? Which is the deepest lake in the UK? Loch Ness Windermere Wast Water Loch Morar What is the world's largest 'lake' by area? Superior Caspian Baikal Victoria What is the world's longest river wholly in one country? Yangtze Mississippi Mekong Paraná What is the second longest river in the UK? Thames Severn Trent Clyde What type of fish used to live in the River Trent until 1902, since when it has become locally extinct? Pike Bream Trout Common sturgeon Which of the following French towns is not on the River Seine? Caudebec-en-Caux Vernon Metz Rouen One of these lakes in the UK is artificial. Which is it? Kielder Water Llyn Tegid Hickling Broad Hornsea Mere Which of the following is considered the longest continuous bridge over water in the world? Pont de Normandie Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Severn Mile Bridge Öresund Bridge Vasco da Gama bridge, the longest road bridge in an EU country, crosses which river? Tagus Rhône Douro Tiber Manitoulin Island is the largest freshwater lake island in the world. But what lake is it in? Great Bear Van Michigan Huron Which of the following cities is not on the Amazon? Belém Iquitos Salto del Guairá Manaus What do Italy's Lake Avernus, Yellowstone Lake in the US, Ecuador's Quilotoa and Lagoa das Sete Cidades in the Azores have in common? They are all salt lakes They all occupy volcanic craters Vast flocks of flamingoes visit them It is illegal to fish in them Which UK river rises in Plynlimon, Wales? Severn Wye Usk Dee Which US river is known as the Daughter of the Stars for its vivid reflections? Missouri Shenandoah Colorado Hudson Which of these popular German lakes is not in Berlin? Müggelsee Wannsee Krumme Lanke Titisee 12 and above. A rip-roaring success. Take a bow, er, dip! 7 and above. Not too shabby! Have a ripple of applause. 0 and above. Eau dear. You'll make a bigger splash in next week's Guardian Travel quiz I'm sure... Continue reading...