Thursday, April 18, 2024

My bad trip: the ‘oasis’ was a fetid puddle and our tyre popped in the desert

A man wearing budgie smugglers finally got the tyre loose, made an offensive remark we couldn’t understand and drove off

* Follow the My bad trip series

As 2013 turned to 2014, I was a fresh escapee from a regretful, youthful and short-lived marriage and was ready to rebound into life. I had an undergraduate degree in a very niche area of the arts that “won’t put food on the table” – My dad (2010-forever).

I had passion and the opportunity to work with mentors across the world and I would not at all be basing any of my decisions on a Kiwi backpacker I had picked up one night dancing on a table in Byron Bay. I was not desperate to be loved again and I was not worried that no one would ever date a 24-year-old divorcee. Continue reading...