Saturday, April 1, 2023

‘It damages our free spirit’: war on British tourists won’t work, say Amsterdammers

Young Britons are the target for a crackdown on antisocial behaviour in the city – but are they the real problem? It’s 9.30pm and groups of British lads are gearing up for a big night out in Amsterdam’s red light district. Although the narrow streets echo with French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Irish banter, this week Amsterdam city council launched a campaign to tell Britons from 18 to 35 in search of a “messy night, to stay away”. Lewis Flanigan, 24, from Middlesbrough, is taking the chance to party while he still can. “My plans are for sex and drink, going around the bars until 6am,” he said, peering into brothel windows beside the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal. His two friends – unnamed as they have “serious jobs” – have also come before things change. Continue reading...