Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Tell us about trips you’re planning or dreaming of for 2023 – you could win a holiday voucher

Whether it’s in the UK or elsewhere in Europe, share a place you’d love to visit sometime in the next 12 months – the best tip wins £200 towards a Sawday’s stay Money may be tight and the bucket list may be subject to alterations accordingly, but we’d love to hear about your dreams, plans and aspirations for travel in 2023. You may have seen a photo of a gorgeous beach or mountain you simply have to visit. Perhaps it’s time to take an Interrail break so you can visit a host of brilliant cities and explore a country at a slower pace. There could be an ulterior motive for a trip – to attend a concert or festival, view wildlife or run a marathon. Or maybe you’re planning the trip of a lifetime? Whatever is on your itinerary for 2023 in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, we’d love to hear about it. Continue reading...