Monday, November 15, 2021

From Plymouth to Edinburgh: a walker’s guide to six British cities

Swap identikit high streets for the pedestrian thrill of discovery and drifting in these six flâneur-friendly cities It’s a truism that so many of Britain’s high streets look alike, but often, a few steps away from the main shopping areas the particular character of a town or city can still be discerned. Manchester is ringed by canals and railways built in the 18th and 19th centuries. Liverpool slopes down to the sea via streets lined with old shipping agents’ offices and chandlers’ workshops. In Edinburgh you just have to look up and around to see history bursting out of the bedrock. We still tend to think Paris owns flâneur-ing – the art of strolling and observing urban life. But wandering our cities and towns is just as rewarding – here are six of our favourites. Continue reading...