Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Cyprus struggles with lack of UK tourists after years of record growth

Despite its best Covid-secure efforts, the destination remains on the UK government’s amber list and with its tourism businesses in limbo * Coronavirus – latest updates * See all our coronavirus coverage In the cavernous hall that hosts the humungous breakfast buffet at Limassol’s Four Seasons, Pam Vernon and Sue Sampson cut solitary figures. At this time of year, the hotel would usually be bursting at the seams with British holidaymakers. Instead, the restaurant, like the curvaceous, palm-fringed pool outside, is full of Russians. Vernon, a regular visitor for the past 25 years, can’t recall anything like it. “Normally there’d be hundreds of us here,” she said, as staff intermittently greeted the Britons with good-humoured banter and evident delight. “At this time of year there are always lots of families here. Me and John [her husband] would never miss May, or early June, in Cyprus. It’s like coming home.” Continue reading...