Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Send a tip on a place to eat near the motorway for the chance to win a £200 holiday voucher

Tell us about a place to refuel on local food and avoid overpriced UK service stations and you could win a great prize from Canopy & Stars Avoiding the motorway is nigh on impossible at this time of year, especially with so many of us holidaying at home in the UK. But that doesn’t mean we can’t escape them for an hour in a friendly little place that serves great local produce, swerving homogenous fare at service stations – and the crowds inside them. This week we want to hear about the best cafes, teashops and restaurants near busy motorway junctions – pitstops that will make the journey not just bearable but add a little something special to it, like a nice meal or snack and perhaps a garden or nearby green space to stretch your legs. Continue reading...