Thursday, July 16, 2020

10 of the best long-distance walking routes in Italy

A new ‘slow tourism’ initiative is promoting 70 trails from Sicily to Friuli. We pick some of the most beautiful Io Cammino in Italia (I Walk in Italy) is a campaign by walkers, guides, tour operators and hospitality providers, set up amid the coronavirus pandemic to work with local authorities to promote “slow tourism” on the country’s long-distance trails. The aim is to help rural economies hit by months of lockdown. “In just a few days our lives changed,” says leading member Gianluigi Bettin, a guidebook writer and sustainable-tourism expert. “We became suddenly aware of our vulnerability. Now, even if our bodies are healthy, we can see that our society is not, and it’s not all down to Covid-19. Many of us see the chance, even the need, to reassess our lifestyle and values. And one simple way to do this is to walk more.” Continue reading...